28 February 2017, Realm Hotel Canberra

BIC National Technical and Suppliers Summit

On Tuesday 28 February, the Bus Industry Confederation (BIC) held its National Technical and Suppliers Summit at The Realm Hotel in Canberra. The Summit was held for bus operators and suppliers providing information on the bus industry moving into 2017 highlighting key challenges.

Numerous guest speakers presented educational insight on the bus industry in Australia. A few topics included vehicle safety standards, average bus fleet ages, fleet maintenance, heavy duty vehicle road standards and bus specific issues.

Bus conference Australia

BIC National Technical and Suppliers Summit, at the Realm Hotel in Canberra.

Session 9 – challenges and difficulties for operators with maintenance and after service involved a live panel interviewing bus operators from three different fleets; Pulitano, Dyson and Bus lines.

“Found this session particularly valuable learning about what issues bus operators face on a daily basis, like sourcing the right bus parts. Nothings more important to me then better understanding our customers needs, that way we can improve what we do on our end,” said Stephanie Downs, Marketing & Sales Coordinator Whites Diesels Sydney.

The summit concluded with a formal round table dinner, special guests included politicians in the industry.


Find out more:
Australasian Bus & Coach “Design Focus at Canberra Summit” Review

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